【問1】次の日本文の意味に合うように( )に適する語を入れなさい。
This story is ( )( )interesting( )all.
My mother gets up( )( )( )my family.
August is( )( )month( )a year.
( )is( )( )of the three?
Tokyo is( )( )( )( )cities in the world.
This bike is( )( )of the three.
( )season do you( )( )( ).
He is( )( )( ) students in the class.
He has( )( )stamps in his class.
Ken caught( )( )fish( )us all.
【問2】次の日本文に合う英文になるように、( )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1) それがいちばん大きな問題です。
That is the( )problem.
(2) 月曜日は私にとっていちばん忙しい日です。
Monday is the( )day for me.
(3) 4つの季節の中で夏がいちばん暑い。
Summer is the( )of the four seasons.
(4) これは私の町でいちばん古い建物です。
This is the( )building in my town.
(5) みんなの中で広美がいちばん早くここに来ました。
Hiromi came here the( )of all.
(6) 3人の中でだれがいちばん速く走れますか。-健です。
Who can run the( )of the three? -Ken( ).
最上級の練習問題 解答
This story is (the)(most)interesting(of)all.
My mother gets up(the)(earliest)(in)my family.
August is(the)(hottest)month(in)a year.
(Who)is(the)(busiest)of the three?
Tokyo is(one)(of)(the)(biggest)cities in the world.
This bike is(the)(best)of the three.
(Which)season do you(like)(the)(best).
He is(the)(third)(tallest) students in the class.
He has(the)(most)stamps in his class.
Ken caught(the)(biggest)fish(of)us all.
(6)fastest / can