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ポイント 中学英語「現在進行形と過去進行形の重要ポイント」




(1)My brother washed his car.

(2)My mother made this cake.

(3)They played baseball in the park.

(4)She wrote a letter to her friend.

(5)Mike and Tom swam in the pool.

(6)He didn’t read this book.

(7)Did you cook lunch?

(8)Did he ski this morning?

(9)What did you do?

(10)Where did they play soccer?

【問2】次の文に then を加えて過去進行形の文に書きかえるとき、(   )に適する語を書きなさい。
(1) I walked home.
I (   )(   )home then.

(2) The students had lunch.
The students(   )(   )lunch then.

(3) We didn’t run in the park.
We(   )(   )in the park then.

(4) Did the man drive a car? — No, he didn’t.
(   )the man(   )a car then? -No, he(   ).

【問3】次の日本文に合うように、( )に適する語を入れなさい。
They(  )(  )on the bench.

The boys(  )(  )basketball.

I(  )(  )(  )my homework now.

Mika(  )(  )an English book.

(  )Mike and Tom (  )in the park?

(  )(  )(  )a letter in English?

(  )(  )you(  )here?

(  )(  )your brother(  )now?

(  )(  )he(  )basketball?

It(  )(  )in Osaka.


(1)My brother washed his car.
My brother was washing his car.

(2)My mother made this cake.
My mother was making this cake.

(3)They played baseball in the park.
They were playing baseball in the park.

(4)She wrote a letter to her friend.
She was writing a letter to her friend.

(5)Mike and Tom swam in the pool.
Mike and Tom were swimming in the pool.

(6)He didn’t read this book.
He wasn’t reading this book.

(7)Did you cook lunch?
Were you cooking lunch?

(8)Did he ski this morning?
Was he skiing this morning?

(9)What did you do?
What were you doing?

(10)Where did they play soccer?
Where were they playing soccer?

(1) was walking

(2) were having

(3) weren’t running

(4) Was, driving / wasn’t

They( are )( sitting )on the bench.

The boys( are )( playing )basketball.

I( am )( not )( doing )my homework now.

Mika( is )( reading )an English book.

Are )Mike and Tom ( running )in the park?

Who )( is )( writing )a letter in English?

What )( are )you( doing )here?

What )( is )your brother( making )now?

Where )( is )he( playing )basketball?

It( is )( raining )in Osaka.


